Penerapan Model Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Matematis Peserta Didik di Kelas III Sekolah Dasar
Masda Masda
SD Negeri No 61 / V Kec. Tungkal Ilir, Jambi
mathematical understanding, Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) model
This research is backed by a learning process that tends to be passive, lack of group cooperation between one's students and another, and a lack of innovative and meaningful learning. The purpose of this research is to determine the application of realistic mathematic education (RME) models to increase the understanding of students in elementary school. The population of this study is a class III student of elementary School No. 61/V Kec. With Ilir Kab. West Tanjung Jabung. Sample withdrawal is determined by no random way because this sample is obtained based on the low recommendation of the learners Math class III C for experimentation and student III D class for the control class, the number of learners from Each class is composed of 20 learners. The experiment class gained learning with a realistic mathematic education (RME) model, while the control class gained learning with a conventional model. This research is a quantitative study using quantitative research design using research quasi research quasi. The research instruments used are observation sheets and test instruments for each class. Once obtained the data is then analyzed with the help of SPSS for Windows program. Then analyzed test normality, homogeneity test, T-Test and N-gain test. Based on a proposed hypothesis it can be concluded that the application of realistic mathematic education (RME) models can affect the mathematical understanding of learners and can increase the mathematical understanding of learners. Elementary school educators are advised to use a realistic mathematic education (RME) model as one of the learning model solutions so as to improve the quality of mathematics learning, especially to improve mathematical understanding Learners.